Spring Break 2026

Friendly, helpful advice – Call 800-821-2176 / Text 956-299-3746
Friendly, helpful advice Call 800-821-2176 / Text 956-299-3746

Spring Break 2026

Friendly, helpful advice – Call 800-821-2176 / Text 956-299-3746

Jobs at Inertia Tours

Inertia Tours is always hiring. Browse current spring break jobs open below

Inertia Tours is the leading spring break tour operator to South Padre Island, Texas, while still offering unbeatable packages & pricing to Cancun, Cabo, Panama City Beach, as well as Colorado Ski Trips for both winter break ski and spring break ski seasons.

Inertia is celebrating our 15th year in business. We are the only spring break tour operator based in Texas. Our Company is affiliated and accredited by the BBB, the ASTA, as well as being formally funded by the City of South Padre Island to promote spring break.

We have entertained such sponsors as Red Bull, Rockstar Energy, Monster Energy, Twang, Budweiser, Beatbox, Electric Sky Wines, Jack Link Beef Jerky, & more for a reason – we dominate the ground game on parties on South Padre Island.

Based in South Austin, Texas as well as seasonally based with an office on South Padre Island, Inertia is a great place for independent, travel inspired young adults to work. Our primary focus is providing memorable vacation experiences for college students with package prices under $500 per person

The following Spring Break jobs are now open:

Assistant Operations Director (Full Time)

We are seeking an Assistant Operations Director that will be assisting and responsible for:

  • Customer service calls & emails, inbound and outbound
    • Trip builds, including inventory management
    • Will use our proprietary web-based reservation system to manage bookings
    • Service includes billing questions, name & group changes, application of fees and/or discounts
    • Onsite rooming management in South Padre Island of condos and hotels including working in person with our supplies of accommodations approximately Feb 20 to April 15th
    • Working with our off shore development team on reservation system add ons and changes
    • Onsite program management & some accounting with sales teams
    • Assistance with onsite staff development and management

Candidate should possess:

  • Ability to work with many remote workers
    • Patience in dealing with our young adult clients
    • Self starter& motivated. Person should complete tasks as if they have no management
    • Honesty and a caring attitude about our clients
    • Precise work. Mistakes cost not just resources, but unhappy clients
    • We do not micro manage, You are responsible for results, not hours. Solutions, not problems
    • Training is hands on, on the job
    • You must be comfortable working for a lean/mean web based company. We don’t have big fancy offices with a dog park and espresso machine.
    • A love of travel & experiences

Position includes 4 weeks paid vacation per year and an obvious career track of advancement.
People that love travel, independence from a strict work shift with flexible hours as well as Austin, Texas are great matches. Recent college grads and/or those candidates with experience in Student Travel encouraged to apply

Frequent Company paid travel to our destinations is assured.

This job is 35 to 45 hours per week, hourly plus bonuses from our Austin Texas office year round, excepting February 20 to April 1 (minimally) when you will live onsite on South Padre Island (Housing Provided on the Island). SUPER flexible hours!

Please email a simple resume along with a short letter telling us why you should be considered for the position listed to chad@inertiatours.com


College Ski Program – Development Manager (Full Time)

We are seeking someone with specific College Ski Club or Group Ski organizational skills and experience to further extend and develop our college ski trips program for both winter break ski and spring break ski.

This position would be responsible for all aspects of our college ski program and growth, including:

  • Destination accommodation and lift ticket contractual agreements to some extent
    • Updating with our web team our 3 websites focused on college ski as well as developing them online
    • Development of a college ski ambassador program nationwide to promote our ski destinations
    • Integration of the product and offerings with our online, real time booking & reservation system
    • Liaison with all Departments. This position reports to Company President directly
    • You will be 100% responsible for your book of business. We generate tons of leads for this new program for sales

Candidates should (ideally, though not required) possess the following:

  • Self managed persona
    • 1 to 5 years specific college ski or ski club experience as a former Officer (or experience working with ski clubs)
    • Onsite basic knowledge of most Colorado mountains and resorts
    • Be an avid skier or boarder themselves and have a passion for the sport
    • Have the ability to conduct check ins and run a very minimal onsite staff in the Mountains in January and/or March
    • Seeks challenge and embraces it. You will have the ability to run an entire division as a mini Company within our Company
    • Creative mind to not simply clone the competition’s trips, but rethink it entirely.
    • Hard work and ethic that goes along with this is implied and expected

Should be considered an Executive Position. Base salary plus commission, bonuses, and profit sharing. Target total compensation $70-$100k+ per year. This position requires a minimum work schedule of 75% in office though we do allow 25% remote work from home. SUPER flexible hours!

Please email a resume along with a short letter telling us why you should be considered for the position listed and experience to chad@inertiatours.com

Inbound Tele & Internet Sales Rep (Seasonally Full Time)

The Inertia Tours Travel Group consists of nearly a dozen inbound trip lead websites that our Company then uses to contact interested parties on our spring break packages. Our office needs upbeat, positive individuals to conduct sales calls and followup activities for potential travel clients. Additionally, our phones ring off the hook in January and February – we need the help.

Full training is provided on phone sales, internet lead followup, use of our CRM (Customer Relationship Management System to track leads and sales) as well as making the actual reservations using our reservation system.

This inside sales position requires no cold calling, all leads are provided. Having speed at typing for emails and text messaging is key. This position is open November 15th to approximately March 9th in our office in Austin, Texas. Work hours are Monday – Thursday noon to 10 pm with a 1 hour lunch, Friday 10 am to 5 pm with a 1 hour lunch.

Base salary + incredible commissions paid

Please email a resume along with a short letter telling us why you should be considered for the position listed and experience to chad@inertiatours.com

Assistant National College Greek Sales Director (Seasonally Full Time)

Our College Spring Break Beach division is seeking a seasonably full time (August to March) Assistant Greek Director. This position can be career tracked to full time year round with success. A very basic requirement is current or past involvement of Greek life at a high level in your Fraternity or Sorority is expected.

This position will consist of the following responsibilities:

  • Organization of all internet inbound and outbound leads within our CRM (database) for trip quotes, followup, and leading groups through the booking process.
  • Frequently calls, emails, and text messages with our Head Reps at College Campuses as well as over 250 college Greek Life House REPS and Campus Ambassadors
  • Effective time management is a key to this position
  • Direct report to our National Sales Manager on a daily, consistent basis
  • Ability to set, maintain/achieve sales goals
  • Company paid travel to various Midwest college campuses in the fall is a requirement of this position.
  • Onsite on South Padre Island, you will act as our Corporate Head with ALL campus, head, and Greek reps for our VIP program while they are on vacation as well as assisting with a smooth check in experience.
  • Full training is provided. Outgoing, aggressive individuals that would like to work in a dynamic business setting in the exciting world of College Spring Break PLEASE APPLY!

Candidates should possess these skills and experience:

  • As previously stated, current or past involvement of Greek life at a high level in your Fraternity or Sorority is expected
  • Ability to work independently without micromanagement
  • A likeable, outgoing attitude and demeanor with an absolute die hard outlook that honesty is an absolute must.
  • Patience and the ability to listen to our young college student market is paramount. Couple that we a real empathy and caring attitude about their work organizing difficult groups
  • Long, odd hours can be expected. The great part is – you can sleep in. “typical” work hours are 12 / 1 pm to 8 or 9 pm plus some work Sunday Nights as Chapter may meet with questions
  • More than anything we want winners. Do you hate losing? Would you consider yourself a Honest Hustler? Please – apply!

This position requires a minimum work schedule of 60% in office though we do allow 30% remote work on college campuses with the flex to work at home 10% of the time. Travel in September, October and November IS REQUIRED along with living/working onsite on South Padre Island Feb 20 to April 1. Housing provided on South Padre Island. SUPER flexible hours!

Basic base salary plus commissions TBD

Please email a simple resume along with a short letter telling us why you should be considered for the position listed to chad@inertiatours.com



Our College Ambassador REP Program is one of the greatest ways to MAKE MONEY, Travel Free on Winter Break or Spring Break, and get VIP treatment on our vacations you help organize

Inertia Tours offers the most lucrative College Ambassador program in the Spring Break Travel business. Help organize on your college campus to any one of our great destinations that have unbeatable prices, package inclusions and very EZ payment terms and go free plus earn bonus $$$

Hundreds of our Ambassador REPs traveled FREE last spring break – you can as well.

Book just 15 people that pay in full and the 16th trip, yours — is FREE

Book 15 that include our Red Carpet VIP Party Package and yours —- is FREE

 —- Onsite we have special perks and VIP treatment for all of our Ambassadors —-

Get discounts for booking large groups!

Inertia deals mainly with large groups. The more the book the more your friends enjoy special insider price deals. Truly, only with Inertia Tours can you book your ENTIRE campus at one resort. We take over entire hotel and condo complexes.

As Inertia Tours truly specializes in college spring break package deals for $499 and less per person, marketing our trips to your house or friends is much, much easier than any other promoted trip as everyone can afford it. Leave NO ONE behind for this years’ spring break

Apply by clicking HERE – it costs NOTHING and there is NO OBLIGATION


Onsite Sales & Promotional Staff Director (South Padre) — Full Time 45 days

Inertia Tours is universally recognized as the Largest #1 provider of college spring break travel to South Padre Island, Texas. Our onsite destination partners of hotels, condo complexes, night clubs, restaurant and side trip operators makes our packages untouchable in both price and inclusions.

We work exclusively with:

  • Hilton Beach South Padre island
  • La Copa Beach Hotel
  • The Pearl Resort
  • Inverness Beach Resort
  • Royale @ Saida
  • La Internacionalcondos
  • Peninsula Island Beach Resort
  • Sunchase Beachfront Condos
  • Clayton’s Beach Bar &Concer Venue
  • The Spring Break Beach Stage at Clayton’s – the largest in WORLD
  • Our 3 onsite yacht companies for our Booze Cruises

Our guaranteed base of party package wristbands (they scan in at the door) guarantees you a packed party that you are selling into already.

Our Onsite Promo Director is in charge of managing our team of Promo Sales on South Padre selling our Red Carpet VIP Party Package Wristbands door to door to those on spring break that did not travel with us as well as spreading the word on easily the largest nightly spring break parties.

Full training is provided. You must have a car. Onsite, housing is provided as well as all gas and a base weekly salary. You earn an override commission for every sale the team makes. You will be expected to be our Top Seller week in and week out as well and crush. People that like to manage and not lead by example need not apply!

This position runs February 20th to April 1 onsite on South Padre Island. You will manage a 20 person team and ensure sales minimums are met and our parties are the largest. This crew is typically rowdy and your patience and skill set will be put to the test.

While a party mindset is relevant, drug abuse and or the abuse of alcohol is not allowed! Please understand, this is not a flyering position or nightclub promotion job. This position requires sales management experience of true hustlers that sell door to door. We are NOT promotional models handing out koozies, we are SELLERS.

Expected compensation surely will exceed $10,000 for the month, upwards to $20,000 for the right person. Please email a simple resume along with a short letter telling us why you should be considered for the position listed to chad@inertiatours.com

Onsite Staff – Promo Sales Division (South Padre)— Seasonal 15 to 38 days

Inertia Tours is the largest provider of onsite Spring Break parties on South Padre Island Texas for college students. We run a full 5 week spring break party program that “recycles” itself every 7 days.

This is a COMMISSION ONLY position though travel gas is reimbursed as well as onsite. Double occupancy, same sex staff housing and our student meal plan 2 meals per day is provided. You must have a vehicle and drive down or you won’t sell enough as the Island is too spread out.

You will sell our Red Carpet VIP Party Packages onsite on South Padre island February 22nd to April 1 to students that did NOT buy an accommodations package through Inertia Tours. (those that buy direct with Inertia already have our VIPs included)

All Inertia events on spring break are 18 to enter/party, 21 to drink.

This package includes:

  • Cover charge to ANY (4) nights of parties that week (your clients pick the 4 parties they want). They get separate, VIP entrance every night until 11 pm with the cover charge included. After 11 pm they still get in free with our scannable wristbands, but do not have pay the cover charge. Cover charges are $10 to $30 per night depending. This represents a massive value to them
  • Party Yacht Cruise is included, which is about a 2 hour BYOB (bring your own booze) cruise on one of 3 double decker yachts that go out on the bayside of South Padre Island. The water is like glass on that side and super smooth. We provide the yacht, the DJ, awesome music, as well as party essentials – free cups, ice, and mixers. Our clients can bring whatever they want to drink onboard, just no glass.
  • Our infamous Greek-O-Holic Day Pool Party that is also BYOB and from noon to 5 pm. This is a PRIVATE PARTY and ONLY our wristbands get in.

One of the fabulous benefits of the Inertia Party Package Wristband is just that – it is a scannable nylon festival ban. It makes hitting up the events painless!

You sell these packages in a door to door, hotel and condo complex fashion. This is not a “promo model” job, nor is it some flyer hand out gig. This is pure face to face sales. Those with a party mindset, described as wild, crazy, and fun are great candidates. Super long hours, lots of partying etc is to be expected. Those with a drinking or drug problem please – do not apply This is an incredibly corruptive environment.

This job is the definition of work hard play (er…party!) hard. You will be required to sell a minimum quota per week to stay on our sales crew. Expect working hours of an 11 am meeting to 10 or 11 pm working on sales. We do prohibit the consumption of alcohol on Friday nights as Saturdays is one of our most important sales days with arrivals.

Expected compensation varies from zero (you get let go the obviously) to an average of $1000 a week. Our top producers earn $2 to $3000 per week – this is no joke money. The biggest problem sellers face is not selling – it is partying far too hard.


Onsite Staff Applications – South Padre Island

Staff Application

Onsite Staff – Hospitality Division (South Padre) — Seasonal 15 to 38 days

Inertia Tours is hiring our onsite staff for our Hospitality Division. This staff assists with our onsite office staffing, preparing for check ins, conducting check ins / customer service, staffs our night and day parties, as well as our Party Yacht Cruises

This position has long (yet fun!) hours working on South Padre Island during spring break. We provide housing (double occupancy same sex roommate situation), our onsite student meal plan of 2 meals per day and staff attire.

All training is provided, most of this is conducted “on the job.”

We pay a base of $300 per week, plus bonuses. A reasonable expectation on pay for our hardest workers is $700 per week, with great workers in the $500 a week range after bonuses.

This work is not easy in the sense that you must be patient, and able to be on the go for long fits of time. We do require you to be showered in clean attire daily as this is a “meet the public” position.

Be a part of the winning spring break staff on South Padre Island this March

Onsite Staff Applications – South Padre Island

Staff Application

Internships for Credit Seasonal Part Time

We have the following positions open that can be structured for credit internships:

  • Social Media Accounts& Blog Management Intern
  • Greek Liaison Sales Intern
  • Inbound Phone & Internet Sales
  • Operations Management Intern

While we do not offer pay for interns, we do offer a stipend for gas, food, and cell phone use.

Please email a simple resume along with a short letter of which internship you may have interest as well as telling us why you should be considered for the interships listed to chad@inertiatours.com. We do not accept “not for credit” interns.

Cancellation Coverage - if you elect to cancel your trip up to 31 days prior to arrival, you will be giving a refund of 75% of all monies paid less the initial deposit and the price of the cancellation coverage. Things happen - for just $29 this is a no brainer!